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By 2050, one of every four people on Earth will go hungry unless food production more than doubles. Science-based agriculture has proposed unconventional new tools—earthworms, bacteria, and even genes from sunny daffodils—to meet this towering challenge. But will such innovative ideas be enough? And can we bridge the ideological divide over genetically modified foods that separates scientists and environmentalists? What role does eating and farming locally play in the next green revolution? Pamela Ronald, Louise Fresco, and Monty Jones—influential voices from a wide variety of perspectives—engage in a spirited discussion and debate on issues vital to our future. This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.Learn More
TOPICS: Earth & Environment, Science in Society
TAGS: 2010, Bacteria, Bill Blakemore, climate change, earthworms, environmentalists, farming locally, Feeding a Hungry World, Food 2.0, food production, full program, genetically modified foodenvironmentalist, Louise Fresco, Monty Jones, New York City, NYC, Pamela Ronald, people on Earth will go hungry, Science agriculture, the year 2050
Video Duration: 01:32:13
Original Program Date: Friday, June 4, 2010
By 2050, one of every four people on Earth will go hungry unless food production more than doubles. Science-based agriculture has proposed unconventional new tools—earthworms, bacteria, and even genes from sunny daffodils—to meet this towering challenge. But will such innovative ideas be enough? And can we bridge the ideological divide over genetically modified foods that separates scientists and environmentalists? What role does eating and farming locally play in the next green revolution? Pamela Ronald, Louise Fresco, and Monty Jones—influential voices from a wide variety of perspectives—engage in a spirited discussion and debate on issues vital to our future. This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.Learn More
TOPICS: Art & Science, Biology & Origins of Life, Earth & Environment, Mind & Brain, Physics & Math, Science in Society, Science Unplugged, Space & The Cosmos, Technology & Engineering, Your Daily Equation, Youth & Education
TAGS: 2010, Bacteria, Bill Blakemore, climate change, earthworms, environmentalists, farming locally, Feeding a Hungry World, Food 2.0, food production, full program, genetically modified foodenvironmentalist, Louise Fresco, Monty Jones, New York City, NYC, Pamela Ronald, people on Earth will go hungry, Science agriculture, the year 2050, 2010, Bacteria, Bill Blakemore, climate change, earthworms, environmentalists, farming locally, Feeding a Hungry World, Food 2.0, food production, full program, genetically modified foodenvironmentalist, Louise Fresco, Monty Jones, New York City, NYC, Pamela Ronald, people on Earth will go hungry, Science agriculture, the year 2050
Video Duration: 01:32:13
Original Program Date: Friday, June 4, 2010
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