192,486 views | 01:19:33
In what many call a “golden age of cosmology”, astronomers can now observe the universe with unprecedented precision, resulting in spectacular progress in the search for the origin of the universe. Yet, for all the impressive progress, fundamental questions remain. What is the mysterious “dark energy” driving space to rapidly expand? What existed before the big bang? Is there an origin of time? Do we live in a multiverse? Our audience joined Science Friday’s Ira Flatow in conversation with leading cosmologists Lawrence Krauss, Paul Steinhardt, and Lyman Page, and historian of science Helge Kragh as they discussed and debated new advances that are shaping our understanding of the cosmic order and our place within it. This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.Learn More
TOPICS: Physics & Math, Space & The Cosmos
TAGS: 2008, A Journey Through Space And Time, astronomers, Big Bang, Big Idea Series, cmb, cosmic microwave background, dark energy, Do we live in a multiverse, Echoes From The Beginning, full program, golden age of cosmology, John Templeton Foundation, multiverse, New York City, NYC, origin of time, universe
Video Duration: 01:17:21
Original Program Date: Thursday, May 29, 2008
In what many call a “golden age of cosmology”, astronomers can now observe the universe with unprecedented precision, resulting in spectacular progress in the search for the origin of the universe. Yet, for all the impressive progress, fundamental questions remain. What is the mysterious “dark energy” driving space to rapidly expand? What existed before the big bang? Is there an origin of time? Do we live in a multiverse? Our audience joined Science Friday’s Ira Flatow in conversation with leading cosmologists Lawrence Krauss, Paul Steinhardt, and Lyman Page, and historian of science Helge Kragh as they discussed and debated new advances that are shaping our understanding of the cosmic order and our place within it. This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.Learn More
TOPICS: Art & Science, Biology & Origins of Life, Earth & Environment, Mind & Brain, Physics & Math, Science in Society, Science Unplugged, Space & The Cosmos, Technology & Engineering, Your Daily Equation, Youth & Education
TAGS: 2008, A Journey Through Space And Time, astronomers, Big Bang, Big Idea Series, cmb, cosmic microwave background, dark energy, Do we live in a multiverse, Echoes From The Beginning, full program, golden age of cosmology, John Templeton Foundation, multiverse, New York City, NYC, origin of time, universe, 2008, A Journey Through Space And Time, astronomers, Big Bang, Big Idea Series, cmb, cosmic microwave background, dark energy, Do we live in a multiverse, Echoes From The Beginning, full program, golden age of cosmology, John Templeton Foundation, multiverse, New York City, NYC, origin of time, universe
Video Duration: 01:17:21
Original Program Date: Thursday, May 29, 2008
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