1,044,281 views | 01:25:19
What is color? It seems like a simple question at first, but when you think about it, the reality of what we're seeing is a pretty complex situation. Our human eyes sift through a small piece of the vast electromagnetic spectrum and translate it into every color of the rainbow. But there are other animals that see these same wavelengths in different ways, or even see colors beyond what we can perceive! And not all color is dependent on wavelengths of light: the brains of certain people, called synesthetes, work in ways that let them see colors tied to music, words, or other stimuli. Watch as host Alan Alda takes you on a surreal, scientific tour of the spectrum with the help of vision researcher Jay Neitz, along with neuroscientists David Eagleman, Kaitlyn Hova, and Bevil Conway.Learn More
TOPICS: Physics & Math, Youth & Education
TAGS: 2016, Alan Alda (Film Actor), Alan Alda Center For Communicating Science, am I a Synesthete, Bevil Conway, Color (Quotation Subject), David Eagleman, electromagnetic spectrum Jay Neitz, Film (Media Genre), Flame Challenge, Kaitlyn Hova, New York City, NYC, physics, synesthesia, synesthetes, wavelengths, What is Color
PLAYLISTS: Youth & Family
Video Duration: 01:09:39
Original Program Date: Sunday, June 1, 2014
What is color? It seems like a simple question at first, but when you think about it, the reality of what we're seeing is a pretty complex situation. Our human eyes sift through a small piece of the vast electromagnetic spectrum and translate it into every color of the rainbow. But there are other animals that see these same wavelengths in different ways, or even see colors beyond what we can perceive! And not all color is dependent on wavelengths of light: the brains of certain people, called synesthetes, work in ways that let them see colors tied to music, words, or other stimuli. Watch as host Alan Alda takes you on a surreal, scientific tour of the spectrum with the help of vision researcher Jay Neitz, along with neuroscientists David Eagleman, Kaitlyn Hova, and Bevil Conway.Learn More
TOPICS: Art & Science, Biology & Origins of Life, Earth & Environment, Mind & Brain, Physics & Math, Science in Society, Science Unplugged, Space & The Cosmos, Technology & Engineering, Your Daily Equation, Youth & Education
TAGS: 2016, Alan Alda (Film Actor), Alan Alda Center For Communicating Science, am I a Synesthete, Bevil Conway, Color (Quotation Subject), David Eagleman, electromagnetic spectrum Jay Neitz, Film (Media Genre), Flame Challenge, Kaitlyn Hova, New York City, NYC, physics, synesthesia, synesthetes, wavelengths, What is Color, 2016, Alan Alda (Film Actor), Alan Alda Center For Communicating Science, am I a Synesthete, Bevil Conway, Color (Quotation Subject), David Eagleman, electromagnetic spectrum Jay Neitz, Film (Media Genre), Flame Challenge, Kaitlyn Hova, New York City, NYC, physics, synesthesia, synesthetes, wavelengths, What is Color
PLAYLISTS: Youth & Family
Video Duration: 01:09:39
Original Program Date: Sunday, June 1, 2014
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