72 views | 01:34:15
We look around us—constantly. But how often do we listen around us? Sound is critically important to our bodies and brains, and to the wider natural world. In the womb, we hear before we see. Join John Schaefer, Jamshed Bharucha, Christopher Shera, the Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard and multi-instrumentalists Polygraph Lounge for a fascinating journey through the nature of sound. How we perceive it, how it acts upon us and how it profoundly affects our well-being—including a demonstration of sounds produced by sources as varied as the human inner ear and the creation of the universe itself.Learn More
TOPICS: Art & Science, Mind & Brain, Physics & Math
TAGS: 2010, Christopher Shera, full program, Good Vibrations, how often do we listen, human inner ear, Jacob Kirkegaard, John Schaefer, Mark Whittle, nature of sound, New York City, NYC, performance, Polygraph Lounge, sound artist, sounds produced by, The Science of Sound, we hear before we see
PLAYLISTS: Science & the Arts
Video Duration: 01:45:19
Original Program Date: Friday, June 4, 2010
We look around us—constantly. But how often do we listen around us? Sound is critically important to our bodies and brains, and to the wider natural world. In the womb, we hear before we see. Join John Schaefer, Jamshed Bharucha, Christopher Shera, the Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard and multi-instrumentalists Polygraph Lounge for a fascinating journey through the nature of sound. How we perceive it, how it acts upon us and how it profoundly affects our well-being—including a demonstration of sounds produced by sources as varied as the human inner ear and the creation of the universe itself.Learn More
TOPICS: Art & Science, Biology & Origins of Life, Earth & Environment, Mind & Brain, Physics & Math, Science in Society, Science Unplugged, Space & The Cosmos, Technology & Engineering, Your Daily Equation, Youth & Education
TAGS: 2010, Christopher Shera, full program, Good Vibrations, how often do we listen, human inner ear, Jacob Kirkegaard, John Schaefer, Mark Whittle, nature of sound, New York City, NYC, performance, Polygraph Lounge, sound artist, sounds produced by, The Science of Sound, we hear before we see, 2010, Christopher Shera, full program, Good Vibrations, how often do we listen, human inner ear, Jacob Kirkegaard, John Schaefer, Mark Whittle, nature of sound, New York City, NYC, performance, Polygraph Lounge, sound artist, sounds produced by, The Science of Sound, we hear before we see
PLAYLISTS: Science & the Arts
Video Duration: 01:45:19
Original Program Date: Friday, June 4, 2010
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