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Brian Greene: Time Dilation and the Slowing of Time

In his first World Science U Q+A session, Brian Greene takes questions on a variety of subjects including relativity, quantum, the cosmos and his WSU course, Space, Time and Einstein.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, which is supported, in part, by the John Templeton Foundation.

To view the course visit https://worldscienceu.com/courses/space-time-and-einstein-brian-greene/

To view the Master Class video for this course, visit our WSU YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/PWo5SnrrOU4

Note* This video ends abruptly due to a technical issue.

WSU Live Sessions are conversations hosted by Brian Greene with World Science U faculty exploring matter, mind, and the cosmos. Subscribe to our WSU newsletter for updates and information on future Live Sessions: http://eepurl.com/U3qzT

To take full courses, visit our website: http://www.worldscienceu.com/. Subscribe to the WSU YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U.

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Brian Greene: Time Dilation and the Slowing of Time

In his first World Science U Q+A session, Brian Greene takes questions on a variety of subjects including relativity, quantum, the cosmos and his WSU course, Space, Time and Einstein.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, which is supported, in part, by the John Templeton Foundation.

To view the course visit https://worldscienceu.com/courses/space-time-and-einstein-brian-greene/

To view the Master Class video for this course, visit our WSU YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/PWo5SnrrOU4

Note* This video ends abruptly due to a technical issue.

WSU Live Sessions are conversations hosted by Brian Greene with World Science U faculty exploring matter, mind, and the cosmos. Subscribe to our WSU newsletter for updates and information on future Live Sessions: http://eepurl.com/U3qzT

To take full courses, visit our website: http://www.worldscienceu.com/. Subscribe to the WSU YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U.