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James Peebles, one of the world’s greatest cosmologists, has profoundly influenced our understanding of dark matter, dark energy, and the big bang, contributions that earned him the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics. In this riveting conversation, Peebles joins Brian Greene to explore humankind’s ongoing quest to grasp the past and the future of the cosmos.
This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.
Brian Greene is a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, and is recognized for a number of groundbreaking discoveries in his field of superstring theory. His books, The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos, and The Hidden Reality, have collectively spent 65 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list.
Read MoreJames Peebles is the Albert Einstein Professor of Science (Emeritus) at Princeton University and is regarded as one of the greatest theoretical cosmologists of the last 50 years. His work …
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