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When listing clean renewable energy sources, solar, wind, and geothermal come to mind. But thanks to new reactor technologies, there’s a transformation afoot. Some of the most ardent foes of nuclear power now believe it must be a large part of the energy mix to solve the world’s climate woes. Join pioneering nuclear engineer Yoon Chang and renowned climate scientist James Hansen in this exploration of the science and rationale behind giving nuclear power a second chance.

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Know Nukes: A Look At Nuclear Power

When listing clean renewable energy sources, solar, wind, and geothermal come to mind. But thanks to new reactor technologies, there’s a transformation afoot. Some of the most ardent foes of nuclear power now believe it must be a large part of the energy mix to solve the world’s climate woes. Join pioneering nuclear engineer Yoon Chang and renowned climate scientist James Hansen in this exploration of the science and rationale behind giving nuclear power a second chance.

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James HansenClimatologist

Dr. James Hansen is director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Adjunct Professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. An active researcher in planetary atmospheres and climate science for nearly 40 years, Hansen is best known for his Congressional testimonies on climate change that widely elevated the awareness of global warming.

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Yoon ChangNuclear Engineer

Yoon Chang joined Argonne National Laboratory in 1974 and has been responsible for leadership of advanced reactor design and fuel cycle technology development activities in positions of increasing responsibility.

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