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Every Google search, OKCupid date, and Netflix recommendation, and even the items and prices you see at the grocery store is uses massive amounts of data. Algorithms of increasing complexity make sense of this ever-expanding mountain of data, and are helping us achieve unprecedented insights into medicine and other fields, create even more powerful computers, and much more. Watch scientists James Fowler, Steven Strogatz, Andrew Lo, and Seth Lloyd crunch the numbers in “Go Figure: Predicting the World With Math,” part of the Big Ideas series from the 2014 World Science Festival.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

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Go Figure: Predicting the World with Math

Every Google search, OKCupid date, and Netflix recommendation, and even the items and prices you see at the grocery store is uses massive amounts of data. Algorithms of increasing complexity make sense of this ever-expanding mountain of data, and are helping us achieve unprecedented insights into medicine and other fields, create even more powerful computers, and much more. Watch scientists James Fowler, Steven Strogatz, Andrew Lo, and Seth Lloyd crunch the numbers in “Go Figure: Predicting the World With Math,” part of the Big Ideas series from the 2014 World Science Festival.

This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

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Ira FlatowRadio Host

Ira Flatow is the host of Science Friday on PRI, Public Radio International. He anchors the show each Friday, bringing radio and Internet listeners worldwide a lively, informative discussion on science, technology, health, space and the environment. Flatow is president of ScienceFriday, Inc. and founder and president of Science Friday Initiative.

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James FowlerSocial Scientist

James Fowler is a social scientist studying networks, behavior, evolution, and genetics. He is a professor of political science and medical genetics at the University of California, San Diego, and a 2010 Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation.

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Andrew W. LoFinancial Engineer

Andrew W. Lo is a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, the director of MIT’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering, a principal investigator at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, and an affiliated faculty member of the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

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Steven StrogatzMathematician

Steven Strogatz is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of applied mathematics at Cornell University. He studied at Princeton, Cambridge, and Harvard and taught at MIT before moving to Cornell. He is a renowned teacher and one of the world’s most highly cited mathematicians.

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Seth LloydQuantum Mechanical Engineer, MIT

Seth Lloyd was the first person to develop a realizable model for quantum computation and is working with a variety of groups to construct and operate quantum computers and quantum …

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