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Quantum Computing: The Vanguard of Technology

Sunday, June 2, 2024
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

Quantum computation — leveraging quantum physics to revolutionize computational power – is rapidly becoming a reality. Join a conversation with renowned leaders to explore the basics of quantum computers, the state-of-play in building them, and the wonders that await and dangers that lurk in a world replete with quantum computers.

Additional Participants will be announced shortly.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.


Brian GreenePhysicist, Author

Brian Greene is a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, and is recognized for a number of groundbreaking discoveries in his field of superstring theory. His books, The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos, and The Hidden Reality, have collectively spent 65 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list.

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Ryan BabbushPhysicist, Computer Scientist, Google

Ryan Babbush is a physicist and computer scientist that directs the Quantum Algorithms and Applications Team within Google’s quantum computing effort, Quantum AI. Ryan has been working with Quantum AI …

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Patty LeeQuantum Physicist

Patty Lee is the Chief Scientist of Hardware Technology Development at Quantinuum, where she leads the technology roadmap efforts to scale up trapped ion quantum computers. In 2006, she received …

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Seth LloydQuantum Mechanical Engineer, MIT

Seth Lloyd was the first person to develop a realizable model for quantum computation and is working with a variety of groups to construct and operate quantum computers and quantum …

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