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Astronomer’s Apprentice

Sunday, June 5, 2016
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

What does it take to spot a star or a planet? Join astronomer Allyson Sheffield of LaGuardia Community College as she reveals how she does it (and the tools she needs). All intergalactic explorers will construct a telescope that is a replica of the one Galileo used to observe moons orbiting Jupiter, test out a spectrograph, and have an up-close encounter with the chemistry of stars.

Note: This is a student-only program for kids in the 4th grade and up. Parents/Guardians should drop off their children for this one-hour event.

Supported by the Bezos Family Foundation. 


Allyson SheffieldAstronomer

Allyson Sheffield is an observational astronomer whose research focuses on the formation and structure of the Milky Way galaxy. She studies the motion and chemistry of old stars, from which we can infer the evolutionary history of the Milky Way.

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