Thupten Jinpa

Thupten Jinpa has been the principal English translator to the Dalai Lama for more than 25 years and has translated and edited many of his books, including Ethics for the New Millennium; Transforming the Mind; The Universe in a Single Atom: Convergence of Science and Spirituality; and the recently published Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World’s Religions can Come Together.
Dr. Jinpa, who received the Geshe Lharam degree from the Shartse College of Ganden Monastic University, is an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University, Montreal and a visiting scholar and an executive committee member at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, the School of Medicine, Stanford University.
He has been a core member of the Mind and Life Institute, dedicated to promoting dialogues between science and contemplative disciplines, especially Buddhism. He is the president of the Institute of Tibetan Classics, Montreal. His own publications include works in both Tibetan and English.