Tanya Lowe

Tanya Lowe has worked with Hawk Creek Wildlife Center, Inc., since 2004. As the director of wildlife education, she has presented Hawk Creek’s free-flying bird shows at the Bronx Zoo, Central Park, and the New York State Fair. Lowe enthusiastically recounts her experiences of how she has won over elusive wildcats, her relationship with Barf the turkey vulture, who thinks she’s mom, and her adventures traveling with Hawk Creek’s animal ambassadors. With her past work at the Buffalo Zoo and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, as well as her current position, she has gained a wealth of knowledge when it comes to wildlife. Tanya Lowe has a bachelor’s degree in psychology with animal behavior and zoo biology minors from Canisius College. She is an active member of the Feline Conservation Federation and the International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators, and has presented at conferences for the NYS Wildlife Rehabilitation Council.