Omid Farokhzad

Omid Farokhzad is among the Nano50 winners by NASA Nanotech Briefs, which awards the most innovative people and design ideas that will revolutionize nanotechnology. He was one of 12 people to be recognized among the top innovators in Massachusetts by the Boston Globe. He is also one of the 15 recipients across all industries to receive the All Star Distinguished Achievement Award from the Mass High Tech Journal for his contributions to the Life Sciences industry. He is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and a physician-scientist in the department of anesthesiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH). Farokhzad directs the laboratory of nanomedicine and biomaterials at BWH. He is a faculty member of the Brigham Research Institute cancer research center at BWH. He is additionally a member of the Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center. The technologies that Farokhzad has developed with collaborators at HMS and MIT have had a monumental impact on the treatment of important human diseases. These technologies formed the foundational platform for the launch of biotechnology companies: BIND Therapeutics, Selecta Biosciences, and Blend Therapeutics. Farokhzad was among the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of Year awardees for the New England region.