Mohan K. Wali | World Science Festival
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Mohan K. Wali


Mohan K. Wali is Professor Emeritus in the school of environment and natural resources (SENR) at Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus. At OSU since 1990, he served as director both of SENR, and of the OSU’s multi-college environmental science graduate program. He was also a professor in the John Glenn school of public affairs. Earlier, he served on the faculty and administration of the State University of New York at Syracuse and of the University of North Dakota.

An ecologist-environmental scientist by training, he and his associates and graduate students have conducted research in Kashmir Himalayas, the Danish woodlands, Canadian boreal forests, mid-continent North America, and the Eastern temperate deciduous forest on vegetation-environment relationships, restoration of disturbed systems, and most recently, on impacts of global climate change. His work has been cited in numerous professional papers and in over 100 research-and-textbooks. Recipient of both research and teaching awards, Wali was a National Lecturer (now designated Distinguished Lecturer) of Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society for two years. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of India.

Past Programs Featuring Mohan K. Wali

Friday, May 31, 2013 | 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
