Michael Weisend

Michael Weisend is a neuroscientist whose research uses structural and functional neuroimaging to investigate normal memory, epilepsy, mental illness, and cognitive dysfunction. He is an expert in identifying brain areas where epilepsy originates and where motor, sensory, and language cortices are located using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Neurosurgeons use MEG results in planning brain surgeries for tumors or epilepsy. His team also developed novel approaches and technologies that combine neuroimaging with transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) to enhance learning and vigilance in civilian and military subjects. Weisend and his team have published on topics ranging from traumatic brain injury and mental illness to novel technologies in neuroimaging and brain stimulation. His work has been featured in numerous popular media outlets, including Newsweek, Business Week, The New Scientist, Scientific American, NOVA, Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, Radio Lab, TEDxDayton, and others. Weisend and his team’s work is, or has been, funded by NARSAD, VA, NIH, AFRL, DARPA, CDMRP, DOE, and industry.