Masoud Mohseni

Masoud Mohseni is a senior research scientist at Google Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, where he develops machine-learning algorithms that fundamentally rely on quantum dynamics. A former research scientist and a principal investigator at the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, Mohseni was also a scientific consultant at BBN Technologies. He obtained his Ph.D in physics in 2007 from University of Toronto. He then moved to Harvard University to complete a postdoctoral program in quantum simulation. His current research addresses some of the fundamental problems at the interface of artificial intelligence, quantum computation, and physics of complex quantum systems. Mohseni has developed quantum algorithms for probabilistic inference and optimization, scalable characterization and simulation of many-body systems, and optimal quantum transport in disordered systems. He is an author and the leading editor of the first scientific book on Quantum Effects in Biology, recently published by Cambridge University Press.