Ken Nakayama

Ken Nakayama received his B.A. in Psychology from the Haverford College in 1962 and his PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1967. For almost twenty years, he was at the Smith Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco. In 1990 he moved to the Psychology Department at Harvard and is now the Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology. He has had wide interests in the field of visual perception, having contributed to a basic understanding of eye movements, visual attention, visual surface perception and visual learning. Most recently, he has become known for his work on the perception and memory of faces and for his part in identifying persons with developmental prosopagnosia. Such individuals have significant problems in recognizing faces. He has given a half dozen named lectureships. He was the founder of the Vision Sciences Society and its president from 2001-2005. He has trained over twenty students (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) many of whom have obtained academic positions at major universities, including MIT, Yale, Caltech, Brown, Vanderbilt, Dartmouth, and NYU.