Jay N. Giedd

Jay N. Giedd is a practicing child and adolescent psychiatrist, chief of brain imaging at the child psychiatry branch of the National Institute of Mental Health, and an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the department of population, family and reproductive health. Since 1991 Giedd has been conducting research on the biological basis of cognition, emotion, and behavior with a particular emphasis on the teen years. As one of the world’s most cited child and adolescent psychiatrists, his longitudinal studies combining brain imaging, genetics, and neuropsychology have had a transformative impact on psychology, psychiatry, clinical care, the judicial system, parenting philosophy, adolescent medicine, substance abuse, and education reform. In addition to his over 200 scientific papers, and being the recipient of many national and international academic awards, Giedd’s work has been widely covered in the general media and he was the 2012 co-recipient of the Society for Neuroscience’s Science Educator Award for making brain research advances accessible to a wide audience.