Erin Styfco | World Science Festival
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Erin Styfco

Erin Styfco is an engineer working in a very unlikely industry, insurance. After earning her Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Clarkson University, Styfco entered the workforce as a project manager in commercial construction. While working, she also earned her Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Norwich University which, like her undergraduate work, focused on structural engineering. Today, Styfco works with other engineers at FM Global, a leading commercial property insurance company, to help their clients identify exposures that could result in costly losses and interruptions to their business around the world. By using engineering and scientific research, she helps her clients develop loss prevention programs and implement cost-effective solutions to keep their businesses resilient against fires, floods, earthquakes, and many other hazards. In her spare time, she enjoys photography and working with local students to share the exciting possibilities that the world of engineering has to offer.

Past Programs Featuring Erin Styfco

Sunday, June 4, 2017 | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
