Elizabeth M C Hillman

Dr. Elizabeth Hillman is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology at Columbia University, and a member of the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute and Kavli Institute for Brain Science. Dr. Hillman develops novel approaches to in-vivo optical imaging and microscopy, most recently SCAPE microscopy – a technique for very high-speed 3D imaging of cellular activity. Her lab also applies these imaging tools to studying the relationship between neural activity and blood flow (neurovascular coupling) in the healthy, diseased and developing brain. These studies offer to improve the use and interpretation of fMRI data, whose signal detects dynamic changes in brain blood flow. Dr. Hillman is a Fellow of OSA, SPIE and AIMBE, has received young investigator awards from the HFSP and Coulter Foundation as well as an NSF CAREER award and the Optical Society of America’s Adolph Lomb medal for contributions to optics at a young age.