Bill Yosses

William Yosses previously worked as White House executive pastry chef, where he was closely involved with Mrs. Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative with the goal of reducing childhood health problems related to diet. He also conducted bi-weekly tours of the White House vegetable garden for school groups. In a related project, he has given lectures on science and cooking in the school of engineering and applied sciences at Harvard University. Other executive pastry chef experience include The Dressing Room in Westport Connecticut, Josephs Citarella in New York City, Bouley Bakery, and Bouley Restaurant. He has delivered cooking and science presentations at The Association for the Advancement of Science, the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), NYU: Experimental Cuisine Collective, UCLA, and CUNY. Yosses earned an A.A.S. degree at New York City College of Technology in hotel management and a M.A. at Rutgers University in French language. He has published two books: Desserts for Dummies and The Perfect Finish, Special Desserts for Every Occasion.