What happens when a simple mistake becomes a huge scientific discovery? You end up with a substance 100x stronger than a man of steel!
We’ve discovered thousands of exoplanets, but what about exomoons? Astronomer David Kipping joins Brian Greene to explore the ongoing search for exomoons—lesser-known, but intriguing potential habitats for life beyond Earth. …
Nowadays, the tools for tracing your family tree have advanced far beyond looking back at names in the family Bible or compiling a scrapbook of paper records. Using your genetic information to find long-lost relatives is easier and cheaper than ever before—and scientists are looking to push the technology even further by analyzing our skin and facial features.
Improving your athletic ability is possible with technology created by engineers William “Buddy” Clark and Mike Ressler. See how their innovations can be easily used to analyze and step up …
Where will astronauts live when they land on Mars? That’s the problem @NASA_Marshall engineer Erick Ordoñez helps to solve through 3D printing in his Cool Job. Episode filmed live at …
How does the brain retrieve memories, articulate words, and focus attention? Recent advances have provided a newfound ability to decipher, sharpen, and adjust electrical signals relevant to speech, attention, memory …