Can marching ants, schooling fish, and herding wildebeests teach us something about the morning commute? Robert Krulwich guides this unique melding of mathematics, physics, and behavioral science as Mitchell Joachim, Anna Nagurney and Iain Couzin examine the creative and sometimes counter intuitive solutions to one of the modern world’s most annoying problems.
Winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, Sir Roger Penrose joins Brian Greene to share insights into black holes, general relativity, quantum mechanics, the mathematical road toward reality, the …
Ecologist and explorer Mark Moffett has trekked across the globe to document new animal species and behaviors. Just like the creatures he studies, Mark can be found crawling in the …
Medical ecologist Dickson Despommier describes the Vertical Farm Project, a movement to promote urban renewal while producing a sustainable food supply. The project is a result of his years studying …
Alec Baldwin is joined by the Coen brothers and renowned guests from the worlds of filmmaking, film music, and science to explore the uniquely powerful role of music in shaping the narrative flow and the emotional impact of film.
Brian Greene engages physicist and former LIGO spokesperson Gabriela González in a conversation about LIGO and Virgo’s new announcement of the most massive gravitational wave source to date and discusses …