For this year’s inaugural address, “The Future of Big Science,” Nobel laureate and physicist Steven Weinberg considers the future of fundamental physics, especially as funding for basic research is reduced. Weinberg will explore physics’ small origins, starting with the discovery of the atomic nucleus 100 years ago by a single scientist.
There is a revolution underway in the world of medicine. As researchers identify the genetic variants responsible for cancer, schizophrenia and diabetes, and doctors tailor medications and diagnostic tests specifically for your genomic makeup, we inch closer to personalized medicine.
The mysteries of dark matter and dark energy may be evidence that we don’t fully understand the force of gravity. But when it comes to a force that has been studied mathematically and probed observationally for hundreds of years, what do we still need to learn?
Join Turing Prize winner Yann LeCun and other pioneers in artificial intelligence for a no-nonsense discussion of whether a truly intelligent machine can be created—and, if so, how and when. …
Amphibian biologist Tyrone Hayes’s boyhood love of frogs turned into a career of adventure. Hear how he uncovered farming chemicals that give male frogs female reproductive capabilites, a discovery that …
Imagine a job creating interactive games that help people learn and communicate better. Meet technologist Katherine Isbister who does just that. Episode filmed live at the 2013 World Science Festival …