Imagine beating every strain of flu with a single jab. Wiping out your risk of some lethal cancers, HIV, and Ebola during a routine doctor’s visit. That’s the promise of next-generation vaccines, and researchers are closing in on the basic science needed to bring them to reality.
Using ultrasounds, inspecting tentacles, and making protective vests for penguins is all in a day’s work for aquatic biologist Pamela Schaller Hughes. Learn how she designs aquarium exhibits for endangered …
Scientists are now finally discovering what thinkers, musicians, or even any of us with a Spotify account and a set of headphones could have told you on instinct: music lights …
Nearly every culture throughout history has used chemicals that alter consciousness for spiritual exploration. In the 20th century these drugs caught the attention of scientists. Psychedelics, as they were named, …
How do we develop a sense of who we truly are? Do we perceive ourselves as science defines us? While some scientists think our identities are a product of our …
The history of computers is a history of competition and collaboration: Innovators have worked together, but also clashed over the place of computers in society and how they should function.