This video is part of our Brilliant Breakthroughs series: our new 20-episode mini-series exploring the “Eureka!” moments and proud accomplishments of the greatest scientific minds of our time. Join us …
Smashing sledgehammers, ducking spike-covered pendulums, tug or war matches in socks are all part of the physics classes of @BASISIndBK Joshua Winters and @NYCSchools Yenmin Young. Science teachers prepare tomorrow’s …
Is our universe unique or one of many? What happened before the Big Bang? Why is there something rather than nothing? Physicists and cosmologists are closing in on how the …
Using the Shrinky Dinks toy as inspiration, biomedical engineer Michelle Khine invented a way to shrink lab testing materials and equipment, resulting in increased testing speed and reliability while lowering …
We’re born, we grow old, we die. It’s a rhythm long considered inevitable. But is it? Or is aging merely a disease awaiting a cure? Will science one day stave …
Extra dimensions of space — the idea that we are immersed in hyperspace — may be key to explaining the fundamental nature of the universe. Relativity introduced time as the fourth dimension, and Einstein’s subsequent work envisioned more dimensions still — but ultimately hit a dead end.