We’re born, we grow old, we die. It’s a rhythm long considered inevitable. But is it? Or is aging merely a disease awaiting a cure? Will science one day stave …
Join us for #YourDailyEquation with Brian Greene. Every Mon – Fri at 3pm EDT, Brian Greene will offer brief and breezy discussions of pivotal equations. Even if your math is a …
How confident are we that most matter in the universe has so far escaped detection? And if there is dark matter, might there be dark stars and even a dark …
Imagine a job creating interactive games that help people learn and communicate better. Meet technologist Katherine Isbister who does just that. Episode filmed live at the 2013 World Science Festival …
Icarus at the Edge of Time is a mesmerizing tale set in outer space about a boy who challenges the awesome might of a black hole. Based on the children’s book by physicist Brian Greene, this futuristic re-imagining of the classic myth takes audiences of all ages on a whirlwind voyage through space and time to the very edge of understanding.
The James Webb Space Telescope’s dazzling images are providing new insights into comet science, our neighboring planets, and how water may have arrived here on Earth. Brian Greene in live …