Harvard professor and 2017 Breakthrough prize winner in Fundamental Physics, Cumrun Vafa joins Brian Greene for a discussion on the past and future of string theory and how puzzles ignited …
Our genes strictly dictate our personalities, appearance and diseases. Or do they? Research has revealed that genes can turn on and off; they can be expressed for years and then silenced. Sometimes, they are never activated. And these genetic instructions—how and when DNA is read—can be determined by the experiences of one’s ancestors, even those several generations back.
We once shared the planet with Neanderthals and other human species. Some of our relatives may have had tools, language and culture. Why did we thrive while they perished?
Are we alone? It’s a question that has obsessed us for centuries, and now we have the technology to do more than wonder. Scientists on the hunt for distant planets and extraterrestrial intelligence explore faraway galaxies and barely visible realms.
Are quantum computers the game-changer they’re described to be, or is the promise of exponential speedup overblown? Join pioneer Seth Lloyd and Brian Greene as they discuss how the fundamental …
Are we alone in this vast universe? Some think that’s highly unlikely. With new technologies joining the search, NASA estimates we’ll find definitive evidence of aliens within 20 to 30 …