Geckos performing death-defying wall-climbing feats inspired materials scientist and engineer Michael Bartlett to invent adhesive that’s sticky powers are just as strong as this reptile. His Cool Jobs is developing …
Ecologist and explorer Mark Moffett has trekked across the globe to document new animal species and behaviors. Just like the creatures he studies, Mark can be found crawling in the …
For decades, inflation has been the dominant cosmological scenario, but recently the theory has been subject to competition and critique. Two renowned pioneers of inflation — Alan Guth and Andrei …
Mathematics has an uncanny ability to describe the physical world. It elegantly explains and predicts features of space, time, matter, energy and gravity. But is this magnificent scientific articulation an …
Join us for #YourDailyEquation with Brian Greene. Every Mon – Fri at 3pm EDT, Brian Greene will offer brief and breezy discussions of pivotal equations. Even if your math is a …
A novel intelligence has roared into the mainstream, sparking euphoric excitement as well as abject fear. Explore the landscape of possible futures in a brave new world of thinking machines, …