With his General Theory of Relativity, Einstein illuminated the grand expanse of the cosmos, but he was also instrumental in developing quantum mechanics for describing the microworld. In Einstein’s day, …
See how engineer and art historian Maurizio Seracini uses his pioneering multispectral imaging techniques and other tools to uncover the long-hidden stories behind masterpiece paintings. Episode filmed live at the …
Can we address mysteries of quantum mechanics by supposing that properties of objects long considered to have an independent existence are actually determined solely in relation to other objects or …
Mathematics has an uncanny ability to describe the physical world. It elegantly explains and predicts features of space, time, matter, energy and gravity. But is this magnificent scientific articulation an …
What happens when a simple mistake becomes a huge scientific discovery? You end up with a substance 100x stronger than a man of steel!
Marcia Bartusiak joins Kip Thorne, Laura Danly and Rainer Weiss to demonstrate how two observatories on opposite sides of the country, called LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory), may open a new window on observing the cosmos—one based not in light but in gravity.