Some researchers propose that advancing AI to the next level will require an internal architecture that more closely mirrors the human mind. Rufin VanRullen joins Brian Greene to discuss early …
Thirty-five years ago string theory took physics by storm, promising the coveted unified theory of nature’s forces that Einstein valiantly sought but never found. In the intervening decades, string theory …
“Move fast and break things,” went the Silicon Valley rallying cry, and for a long time, we cheered along. Big Tech, in its infancy, spouted noble goals of bringing us …
How does the brain retrieve memories, articulate words, and focus attention? Recent advances have provided a newfound ability to decipher, sharpen, and adjust electrical signals relevant to speech, attention, memory …
Some music makes you dance and other music makes you cry. Concert-trained pianist Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis became a cognitive scientist to learn why. Episode filmed live at the 2019 World …
The 2020 Kavli Prize In Neuroscience is awarded to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their transformative discovery of receptors for temperature and pressure. 2020 marks the twelfth anniversary of …