Forget what you think you know about dark matter. After a 30-year search for a single, as yet unidentified, species of dark matter particle that would make up some 25% of the mass of the universe, physicists are starting to consider novel explanations.
Using brainwaves to send a Tweet, biomechanical engineer Adam Wilson demonstrates how neural prosthetic devices can allow people with motor disabilities to communicate with the outside world. Episode filmed live …
Improving your athletic ability is possible with technology created by engineers William “Buddy” Clark and Mike Ressler. See how their innovations can be easily used to analyze and step up …
For centuries, humans believed the deep sea was lifeless, but new technologies have revealed that this previously hidden realm is home to rich ecosystems, mineral treasures, and an astounding kaleidoscope …
Can the spooky world of quantum physics explain bird navigation, photosynthesis and even our delicate sense of smell? Clues are mounting that the rules governing the subatomic realm may play an unexpectedly pivotal role in the visible world.
Can conscious self-awareness be coded in an algorithm? According to distinguished computer scientist Lenore Blum and Turing Award Laureate Manuel Blum the answer is “yes,” and they join Brian Greene …