Time allows us to live in the moment, reflect on the past, plan for the future. It’s our most familiar, precious, yet mysterious commodity.
The 2020 Kavli Prize In Astrophysics is awarded to Andrew Fabian for his groundbreaking research in the field of observational X-ray astronomy, covering a wide range of topics from gas …
Awakening the Mind is a tribute to the remarkable life and work of Dr. Oliver Sacks. A physician, best-selling author, professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine, and …
Improving your athletic ability is possible with technology created by engineers William “Buddy” Clark and Mike Ressler. See how their innovations can be easily used to analyze and step up …
A few decades ago, we knew of no other planets beyond those in our solar system. Today, astronomers have confirmed over 700 planets circling other suns and believe billions more lay undiscovered.
With his General Theory of Relativity, Einstein illuminated the grand expanse of the cosmos, but he was also instrumental in developing quantum mechanics for describing the microworld. In Einstein’s day, …