Pioneering computer scientist and physicist Stephen Wolfram joins Brian Greene to discuss the interplay between physical law, computation, and artificial intelligence.
Brian Greene and Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt engage in a wide-ranging conversation covering cosmology, the accelerating universe, and the role of science in shaping our future. This program is part …
Consciousness is a terrible curse. Or so says a character in screenwriter/director Charlie Kaufman’s Being John Malkovich. Part theater of the absurd and part neuroscience fiction, the Oscar-winning filmmaker’s work captures the splintering between what we perceive and what we feel as our brains grapple with multiple layers of reality.
Where will astronauts live when they land on Mars? That’s the problem @NASA_Marshall engineer Erick Ordoñez helps to solve through 3D printing in his Cool Job. Episode filmed live at …
Bestselling author and religious historian Karen Armstrong joined Brian Greene for a conversation exploring humankind’s evolving relationship with the Earth, life, and the cosmos. To save ourselves and the planet, …
How much brain do you need to be smart? Bees and ants perform marvels as colonies, though each insect has barely any brain. And plants—with no brain at all—exhibit behaviors …