Meet the newly named 2020 Kavli Prize Laureates in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. Honored for breakthroughs that transform our understanding of the big, the small and the complex, the Laureates …
Will Kinney joins Brian Greene to explore whether leading-edge cosmological theories can avoid a beginning to time. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John …
Bestselling author and religious historian Karen Armstrong joined Brian Greene for a conversation exploring humankind’s evolving relationship with the Earth, life, and the cosmos. To save ourselves and the planet, …
Using brainwaves to send a Tweet, biomechanical engineer Adam Wilson demonstrates how neural prosthetic devices can allow people with motor disabilities to communicate with the outside world. Episode filmed live …
Stephen Wolfram joins Brian Greene to explore whether the ultimate theory of the universe might emerge from a computationally simple framework. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, …
The Winners Of The 2018 Kavli Prize In Neuroscience are James Hudspeth, Robert Fettiplace and Christine Petit for their groundbreaking research unraveling the mysteries of how we hear. 2018 marks …