Amber Straughn brings you on her journey from the big sky of her hometown in Arkansas to studying astrophysics at NASA and demonstrates the infrared technology that will be crucial …
The James Webb Space Telescope’s dazzling images are providing new insights into comet science, our neighboring planets, and how water may have arrived here on Earth. Brian Greene in live …
Will Kinney joins Brian Greene to explore whether leading-edge cosmological theories can avoid a beginning to time. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John …
Scientists are now finally discovering what thinkers, musicians, or even any of us with a Spotify account and a set of headphones could have told you on instinct: music lights …
Imagine a job creating interactive games that help people learn and communicate better. Meet technologist Katherine Isbister who does just that. Episode filmed live at the 2013 World Science Festival …
Brian Greene and Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt engage in a wide-ranging conversation covering cosmology, the accelerating universe, and the role of science in shaping our future. This program is part …