While artificial intelligence lacks empathy, reason, and even basic common sense, we already rely on it to make major decisions that affect human lives. Who gets hired? Who gets fired? …
A self-driving car has a split second to decide whether to turn into oncoming traffic or hit a child who has lost control of her bicycle. An autonomous drone needs to decide whether to risk the lives of busload of civilians or lose a long-sought terrorist. How does a machine make an ethical decision?
Medical ecologist Dickson Despommier describes the Vertical Farm Project, a movement to promote urban renewal while producing a sustainable food supply. The project is a result of his years studying …
What attributes set our species apart? Taming fire? Expressing artistically? Solving problems creatively? Recent discoveries that have already upended humankind’s origin story by expanding our family tree, are challenging long-held …
We spend a third of our lives asleep. Every organism on Earth—from rats to dolphins to fruit flies to microorganisms—relies on sleep for its survival, yet science is still wrestling with a fundamental question: Why does sleep exist?
Francis Collins – leader of the Human Genome Project, Director of the National Institutes of Health across three presidential administrations, and President Biden’s newly appointed Science Advisor – joins Brian …