How fast is the universe expanding? Two prominent approaches are finding different answers, propelling cosmology toward a crisis. Wendy Freedman, a renowned astronomer who has spent decades seeking the expansion …
How do we actually create and manipulate qubits, essential for realizing quantum computation? Chief Scientist of Hardware Technology Development at Quantinuum, Patty Lee, joins Brian Greene to discuss various quantum …
Improving your athletic ability is possible with technology created by engineers William “Buddy” Clark and Mike Ressler. See how their innovations can be easily used to analyze and step up …
How do we develop a sense of who we truly are? Do we perceive ourselves as science defines us? While some scientists think our identities are a product of our …
Sexuality and gender play a profound role in shaping identity, but for much of human history how they are determined has remained obscure. How does sexual orientation develop? What is it? Can it be changed?
Today, there are robots that make art, move like dancers, tell stories, and even help human chefs devise unique recipes. But is there ingenuity in silico? Can computers be creative? …