For millennia, psychedelic substances have been used as sacraments, medicines, and tools to shift consciousness and expand the mind. Why have these compounds captivated humans for so long and how …
Are quantum computers the game-changer they’re described to be, or is the promise of exponential speedup overblown? Join pioneer Seth Lloyd and Brian Greene as they discuss how the fundamental …
As computers become progressively faster and more powerful, they’ve gained the impressive capacity to simulate increasingly realistic environments. Which raises a question familiar to aficionados of The Matrix—might life and the world as we know it be a simulation on a super advanced computer?
This video is part of our Brilliant Breakthroughs series: our new 20-episode mini-series exploring the “Eureka!” moments and proud accomplishments of the greatest scientific minds of our time. Join us …
Einstein’s “spooky action” describes quantum particles entangled across space, but can such spookiness entangle particles across time? A conversation spanning the origins of quantum mechanics through its leading-edge implications for …
Consciousness is a terrible curse. Or so says a character in screenwriter/director Charlie Kaufman’s Being John Malkovich. Part theater of the absurd and part neuroscience fiction, the Oscar-winning filmmaker’s work captures the splintering between what we perceive and what we feel as our brains grapple with multiple layers of reality.