Invention and innovation are the mark of robotics engineer Dennis Hong’s lab. Watch as he demonstrates some of the remarkable robots that his team has built. The robots walk on …
The 2020 Kavli Prize In Neuroscience is awarded to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their transformative discovery of receptors for temperature and pressure. 2020 marks the twelfth anniversary of …
For millennia, psychedelic substances have been used as sacraments, medicines, and tools to shift consciousness and expand the mind. Why have these compounds captivated humans for so long and how …
We spend a third of our lives asleep. Every organism on Earth—from rats to dolphins to fruit flies to microorganisms—relies on sleep for its survival, yet science is still wrestling with a fundamental question: Why does sleep exist?
Will Kinney joins Brian Greene to explore whether leading-edge cosmological theories can avoid a beginning to time. This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John …
Marcia Bartusiak joins Kip Thorne, Laura Danly and Rainer Weiss to demonstrate how two observatories on opposite sides of the country, called LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory), may open a new window on observing the cosmos—one based not in light but in gravity.