This video is part of our Brilliant Breakthroughs series: our new 20-episode mini-series exploring the “Eureka!” moments and proud accomplishments of the greatest scientific minds of our time. Join us …
Beyond Einstein: Gravitational Echoes. Just as sound waves can echo off a distant rockface, light waves can echo off of black holes. Renowned researchers Erin Kara and Shep Doeleman join …
Car accidents. Suicide bombers. Earthquakes. Death of a spouse. Why do some people bounce back from traumatic events while others do not? Is there a biological profile of resiliency?
Food scientist Amanda Kinchla’s innovation happens in the lab…and in the kitchen as she uses science to create new and nutritional foods and food safety solutions. Episode filmed live at …
As computers become progressively faster and more powerful, they’ve gained the impressive capacity to simulate increasingly realistic environments. Which raises a question familiar to aficionados of The Matrix—might life and the world as we know it be a simulation on a super advanced computer?
Temperature and pressure. Two sensations of vital importance in one’s daily life. Yet science has been lacking a deeper understanding of how these sensations are detected and encoded on a …