Meet the newly named 2020 Kavli Prize Laureates in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. Honored for breakthroughs that transform our understanding of the big, the small and the complex, the Laureates …
Awakening the Mind is a tribute to the remarkable life and work of Dr. Oliver Sacks. A physician, best-selling author, professor of neurology at the NYU School of Medicine, and …
Amber Straughn brings you on her journey from the big sky of her hometown in Arkansas to studying astrophysics at NASA and demonstrates the infrared technology that will be crucial …
Forget what you think you know about dark matter. After a 30-year search for a single, as yet unidentified, species of dark matter particle that would make up some 25% of the mass of the universe, physicists are starting to consider novel explanations.
Where will astronauts live when they land on Mars? That’s the problem @NASA_Marshall engineer Erick Ordoñez helps to solve through 3D printing in his Cool Job. Episode filmed live at …
In 1935, Albert Einstein and two colleagues published a landmark paper revealing that quantum mechanics allows widely separated objects to influence one another, even though nothing travels between them. Einstein called it spooky and rejected the idea, arguing instead that it exposed a major deficiency in the quantum theory.