Renowned physicist and pioneer of string theory, Leonard Susskind talks with Brian Greene about some of the biggest breakthroughs in physics. Listen to their wide-ranging conversation about the holographic principle, …
How fast is the universe expanding? Two prominent approaches are finding different answers, propelling cosmology toward a crisis. Wendy Freedman, a renowned astronomer who has spent decades seeking the expansion …
Watching ants and playing with robots is biologist Simon Garnier’s Cool Job as he studies how people and animals swarm in large groups. Garnier discovers these animals work together to …
Brian Greene and Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt engage in a wide-ranging conversation covering cosmology, the accelerating universe, and the role of science in shaping our future. This program is part …
Pills the size of molecules to seek and destroy tumors. Miniscule robots performing surgery inside patients with a precision never before achieved. Nanobots, a billionth of a meter across, fixing mutations in DNA, or repairing neurons in your brain. Such are the possibilities as medicine enters the nano-era.
Icarus at the Edge of Time is a mesmerizing tale set in outer space about a boy who challenges the awesome might of a black hole. Based on the children’s book by physicist Brian Greene, this futuristic re-imagining of the classic myth takes audiences of all ages on a whirlwind voyage through space and time to the very edge of understanding.