Sexuality and gender play a profound role in shaping identity, but for much of human history how they are determined has remained obscure. How does sexual orientation develop? What is it? Can it be changed?
Are we alone? It’s a question that has obsessed us for centuries, and now we have the technology to do more than wonder. Scientists on the hunt for distant planets and extraterrestrial intelligence explore faraway galaxies and barely visible realms.
Join Brian Greene and Juan Maldacena as they explore a wealth of developments connecting black holes, string theory, quantum gravity, quantum entangelment, wormholes, and the holographic principle. This program is …
Black holes may hold the key to understanding the most fundamental truths of the universe, but how do you see something that’s, well, black? Astronomers think they have the answer. …
Is creative expression the exclusive domain of the human mind, or can artificial intelligence reach — or assist humans in reaching — the enigmatic brilliance of artistic genius? Renowned multimedia …
Inflationary Cosmology’s co-founder Andy Albrecht joins Brian Greene to examine cosmic mysteries from the highly ordered beginning of the universe to the possibility of a multiverse. This program is part …