Nate Ball’s appetite for invention began with hovercrafts and Tesla coils and led to building his revolutionary ascender that uses a reliable motor to raise rescuers by a rope. These …
A new generation of technology is revolutionizing neuroscience, allowing a closer study of the brain than had ever seemed possible. The techniques are hybrids of optics, genetics, and synthetic biology …
Scott Aaronson, renowned computer scientist known for his no nonsense take on, well, everything, joins Brian Greene to demystify the state of quantum computation, AI, and much more. This program …
Catch a glimpse of the near future as AI and Quantum Computing transform how we live. Eric Schmidt, decade-long CEO of Google, joins Brian Greene to explore the horizons of innovation, where digital …
Recent breakthroughs in dating ancient samples of DNA and human remains have led to a radical reassessment of human origins. At least ten other early human groups–some with the cognitive capacity to make …
Amphibian biologist Tyrone Hayes’s boyhood love of frogs turned into a career of adventure. Hear how he uncovered farming chemicals that give male frogs female reproductive capabilites, a discovery that …