Appearing for the first time at New York Comic Con, the World Science Festival brought together a group of graphic novelists including Charles Soule, Dominic Walliman, and Jim Ottaviani with moderator Jonathan Coulton for spirited conversation about science in comic books.
Brian Greene introduces “When Science Gets Graphic” at New York Comic Con.
Jonathan Coulton offers up an astonishing one hundred bucks for the purchase of a quantum computer.
Comic book author Jim Ottaviani says while science is all about repeatability, precision and accuracy, storytelling about science isn’t served well by devotion to including every detail.
Charles Soule explains the inspiration for his imaginative mathematical graphic novel “Strange Attractors.”
The “When Science Gets Graphic” audience smiles at Jonathan Coulton’s comment about the hazards of scientific inaccuracies in his song writing. And how willing people are to point them out.
“When Science Gets Graphic” audience member asks how we get diverse scientific disciplines like biology more involved in comic books.
Author of “Professor Astro Cat’s Frontiers in Space” Dominic Walliman sees a parade of cosplay characters at New York Comic Con.