Physicist Brian Greene joined Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show” to walk Stephen through the finer points of one of science’s most influential theories with a water bottle and several fists full of marbles.
Greene arrived by ‘science mobile’ to offer a brief lesson on the questions Einstein was attempting to answer when he conceived of special relativity and, ten years later, general relativity. The general theory of relativity turns 100 years old this month. But to fully understand Einstein’s ideas, you need to see them in action.
Spoiler alert: This is physics we’re talking about so it’s no surprise that the segment ends this way.
The falling water bottle demonstration may lead you to wonder more about what Einstein’s general theory of relativity actually tells us about how gravity works. You might also be curious to know how the leading physicists in the world have put Einstein’s theory to use over the past 100 years. If one or both of those piques your interest, like or follow the World Science Festival to keep up with the latest on programs and performances.