Icarus at the Edge of Time is a mesmerizing tale set in outer space about a boy who challenges the awesome might of a black hole. Based on the children’s book by physicist Brian Greene, this futuristic re-imagining of the classic myth takes audiences of all ages on a whirlwind voyage through space and time to the very edge of understanding. Icarus at the Edge of Time features an original score by Philip Glass, script adapted by Brian Greene and David Henry Hwang, and film created and directed by Al + Al.
Since its premiere in 2008, Icarus at the Edge of Time has been performed in New York, London, Moscow, Amsterdam, Genoa, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Glasgow, Aspen, Seattle, Austin, Ghent, Dublin, Malta and more locations across the globe. It has featured stellar narrators, including John Lithgow, Liev Schreiber, Brian Greene, David Morrissey, Billy Boyd, Sonia Bergamasco, Scott Simon, LeVar Burton, Kal Penn, Stepan Devonina and Ilya Romashko and renowned conductors such as Marin Alsop, Brad Lubman , Matthew Coorey, Marcus Tsutakawa, Mei-Ann Chen, Vasyl Valitov, Arjan Tien and Ben Glassberg.