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Day 3: What’s On Tap Today in Brisbane? (2016)

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After two performances of “Light Falls,” free events for the youngest attendees seeking an up-close and personal introduction to baby sea turtles and migratory birds, plus valuable insight from famed explorer Sylvia Earle, World Science Festival Brisbane continues its celebration of science and the arts today with a host of captivating events.

Here are five events that shouldn’t be missed on Friday.

Dear Albert | Time: Session 1: 11:00am – 12:30pm / Session 2: 8pm – 9:30pm
Where: Playhouse QPAC, Corner Melbourne St & Grey St, South Brisbane

Written by Alan Alda, this World Science Festival production delves into Albert Einstein’s personal correspondence, tracing an intimate and unfamiliar line across his life and work. Physicist Brian Greene joins Alda on stage after the performance to discuss Einstein’s achievements.

Turtle HatchingTime: 9:30am – 4pm
Where: Queensland Museum & Sciencentre, South Brisbane

This is by far the cutest event that will take place in Brisbane this week. Baby sea turtles will poke through their shells and begin life at the Queensland Museum. Researchers will be on hand to fit them with transmitters, which allow them to track the sea turtles’ movements and gain key insights.

To Infinity and Beyond: The accelerating Universe | Time: 11:30am – 1pm
Where: Plaza Auditorium Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, 133A Grey St, South Brisbane

Today’s top astrophysicists describe their search for clues to cosmology’s most exciting puzzle: dark energy.

Salon: Alzheimer’s: Don’t forget your GenesTime: 1pm – 2:30pm
Where: Queensland Museum & Sciencentre, South Brisbane

In a small setting, experts dive deeper into the science of cognitive function and the age-related disease of Alzheimer’s.

Great Moments in Science with Dr KarlTime: 5pm – 6pm
Where: Plaza Auditorium Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, 133A Grey Street South Brisbane

Australian science legend Dr. Karl leads an audience on a whirlwind tour of scientific explanations and bizarre facts.

To Learn More About World Science Festival Brisbane visit www.worldsciencefestival.com.au



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