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Kavli Prizes Awards Ceremony Honors Research On The Big, The Small, And The Complex

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The 2014 Kavli Prize awards ceremony kicks off today in Oslo, Norway, where nine scientists will be honored for their outstanding contributions to the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience. The 2014 Kavli Prize laureates have tackled the ultimate questions of science, on topics big, small, and complex. This year’s awards went to:

-Astrophysics: Alan Guth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Andrei Linde (Stanford University) and Alexei Starobinsky (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics), for developing the theory of cosmic inflation

-Nanoscience: Thomas Ebbesen (Louis Pasteur University), Stefan Hell (Max Planck Institute) and Sir John Pendry (Imperial College London), for showing that light can interact with structures smaller than its wavelength, thereby pushing the limits of microscopy resolution

-Neuroscience: Brenda Milner (McGill University), John O’Keefe (University College London) and Marcus Raichle (Washington University in St. Louis), for characterizing special systems in the brain that play key roles in memory formation and other higher cognitive functions

Laureates Linde and Guth were in attendance at the Kavli Breakfast, part of the 2014 World Science Festival—check out our coverage here, or watch the 2014 Kavli Prize video. You can check out the video of the 2012 Kavli Prizes (the prizes are awarded every two years) as well.

This will also be the first Kavli Prize ceremony without the award’s creator; Philanthropist and entrepreneur Fred Kavli passed away in November 2013. See his incredible life story below:


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